About Trudy

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The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
— Confucius


I’ve stood just where you stand now. Both my parents experienced cognitive decline over the course of their life.  My father had a stroke when he was 62 that caused him to be left with moderate cognitive decline for the remaining years of his life. My mother was his devoted caretaker for 18 years until he died. 

Eight years after my father’s death, my mom was diagnosed with dementia. My siblings and I became the caretakers. My father’s dementia, resulting from a severe cerebral hemorrhage, somehow seemed easier to comprehend. My mother’s dementia was so subtle and well-concealed that it took us by surprise and we didn’t know how to best support her. I learned that my mother had been showing symptoms much earlier than her diagnosis. I had missed them because I didn’t know what to look for. 

The particular kind of strain that comes with care taking for a loved one with cognitive decline left me feeling confused and overwhelmed. I was so unfamiliar with this type of health concern, I spent long nights searching for possible solutions and options to help her. I began searching for possible solutions and treatment options. While I wasn’t the one with a diagnosis, I started to suffer with anxiety, sleeplessness, weight gain, and digestive problems. I just didn’t know how to help her. That knowledge gap was the cause of so much grief and stress. 

I needed someone who was knowledgeable to proactively guide me and my family through my mother’s illness. If we had that kind of help, then the last years of her life may have been easier with less regret. 

This is why I have decided to work with people and their families through education, coaching and advocacy around their cognitive wellness journey. That’s why I created COMPASS Method

I am passionate about sharing the knowledge and experience I’ve gained as a brain health specialist. My career has centered on public health advocacy and holistic wellness for all. I am committed to helping others stay healthy on their terms through customized programs that promote brain health, resiliency and longevity. 

You don’t have to go through this alone and in the dark—I can be your guiding light out of the fog. 

My unique offering will ensure that you and your loved ones have access to the right information, skills and support you need to navigate the murky waters of brain health with grace and, yes, even hope.
